Board of Health Basics
UW School of Public HealthInformational deck illustrating the intersection of public health across federal, local, and state goverment. Content provided by UW School of Public Health.
I concepted and presented a select few slides to solidfy a design dreiction for the client. This included a cover slide, chapter slides, and two body slides using provided content.

After further conversation, it was decided that a neurtral brand identity was needed for the client’s presentation purposes.
This resulted in the creation of a net new identity. Type and color considerations were informed by a quick competitor analysis and client editing capabilities.

The end product included a basic typographic system, color scheme, and selection of stock photography, in addition to a variety of slide layouts. This was designed using master slides, intented to be used and edited by client for future presentations.
University Advancement Orientation
UW Office of AdmissionsOrientation deck to welcome new faculty and staff to the University of Washington. Designed within UW brand guidelines under the direction of the Director of Brand Managemnet.

Chapter slides highlight the beauty of campus and the sate of Washington.
Custom iconography designed to help guide group activity and illustrate the university’s fundamental principles.